sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

National Library

It was the first library founded in America. The actual building was designed by the architect Alberto Wills in 1933 and was declared a Colombian national monument. It was founded in 1777 by Viceroy Manuel De Guirior, he established the library in the city of Bogota and begun the library collection of the institution expropriated of the Jesuit community. And thanks to Francisco de Paula Santander the library was settled in the classrooms of the San Bartolome De Las Casas School and received his actual name. The objective of the library is to guarantee the recuperation, preservation and access to the collective memories of the country, represented by the bibliographic heritage. Also the promotion of public libraries, planning and designing the politics related with reading and the satisfaction of necessities of information indispensable for the individual and collective development of the Colombian people.

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